What Is A Soldier Beetle? Tiny Nature-Friendly Pollinators

Soldier beetles are essential pollinators, particularly plants that bloom during summer. They also feed on other insects, such as aphids, which can make them sound like a natural pest control in gardens and farms.

In this article, we discuss what is a soldier beetle. Its types, characteristics and habitat.

What is a soldier beetle?

A soldier beetle (family Cantharidae) is a type of beetle that belongs to the insect order Coleoptera.

Despite their name, soldier beetles do not have any aggressive tendencies. We believe their name to come from their bright and showy appearance, which some people have compared to the flashy uniforms of soldiers.

Soldier beetle scientific name

The scientific name for soldier beetles is Cantharidae. The family Cantharidae contains many species of soldier beetles distributed throughout the world.

Each species has its scientific name, typically comprising the genus name followed by a species name. For example, Haris Rustica is a common soldier beetle found in Europe and North America.

A red coat is like the red coats of veteran soldiers in the British army, hence the common name. We often know them as leather wings because their soft elytra make them very hard to grasp.

What does a soldier beetle look like?

Soldier beetles are elongated and have flattened, somewhat oval-shaped bodies. Here are some standard features of soldier beetles:

  1. Colour: They are typically brightly coloured, ranging from orange and red to yellow and green. Some species have black or brown markings on their bodies as well.
  2. Body shape: The body of a soldier beetle is elongated and somewhat cylindrical. Their head is visible from above and is usually wider than their thorax. Their elytra (hardened forewings) cover their body and extend slightly beyond the tip of their abdomen.
  3. Antennae: Soldier beetles have long, thin antennae that are often darker in acceleration than their body.
  4. Legs: They have six legs that are relatively long and slender.

Their brightly coloured body characterizes soldier beetles and elongated shape, often confused with fireflies. However, unlike fireflies, soldier beetles do not produce light.

Where do soldier beetles live?

Soldier beetles (family Cantharidae) are found throughout much of the world, including North America, Europe, Asia, and Africa. We typically find them in many habitats, including gardens, meadows, woodlands, and fields.

Soldier beetle life cycle?

The life cycle of a soldier beetle includes several stages, including egg, larva, pupa, and adult. Here is a general overview of the soldier beetle life cycle:

  • Egg: The life cycle of a soldier beetle begins with the female laying eggs, usually on or near the soil surface. The eggs are small, oval-shaped, and typically white or cream-coloured.
  • Larva: The eggs hatch into tiny, worm-like larvae, typically light-coloured and have a soft body. The larvae feed on other insects, such as aphids, and can also provide on plant material.
  • Pupa: After growth and feeding, the larvae enter the pupal stage, undergoing metamorphosis into their adult form. The pupa is usually found underground or in other protected locations.
  • Adult: The adult soldier beetle emerges from the pupa. These beetles are usually active during the day and can be found on flowers, where they feed on nectar and pollen. Adult soldier beetles mate, lay eggs during the summer, and live for several weeks to several months, depending on the species.

Some species may complete their life cycle within just a few weeks, while others may take several months to complete development past the egg.

What do soldier beetles eat?

Soldier beetles are generalist feeders, meaning they consume a wide range of food items. Their diet varies depending on the stage of their life cycle. Still, soldier beetles feed on both plant and animal material.

During the larval stage, soldier beetles feed on insects, such as aphids and other tiny insects that they can catch and consume. Some soldier beetle larvae also feed on plant material, such as leaves and flowers.

As adults, soldier beetles feed on nectar and pollen from various flowering plants. They can often be seen visiting flowers during the day. They are attracted to plants that bloom during the summer, such as wildflowers, sunflowers, and other daisy family members.

Do soldier beetles fly?

Soldier beetles have two pairs of wings, with the front pair (the elytra) as a protective cover for the hind wings used for flight. Soldiers move in straight lines, so they can flee when they’re out of danger or after a potential mate.

Overall, the ability to fly allows soldier beetles to be more mobile and to search for food and mates over a larger area. This will enable them to be successful in reproducing and surviving in their environment.

Are soldier beetles harmful?

Soldier beetles are beneficial insects, as they can help control populations of other insects considered pests.

Soldier beetles feed on other insects, such as aphids, mites, and other soft-bodied insects, which can cause damage to crops and garden plants. As adults, they feed on other insects and random nectar flowers, making them important pollinators.

Overall, we do not consider soldier beetles harmful to humans or the environment. They don’t bite or sting and are not known to cause any significant damage to crops or other plants. Their trolling populations of pest insects can be beneficial to gardeners and farmers.

Are fireflies soldier beetles?

Fireflies and soldier beetles are not the same, but they are both members of the same insect order (Coleoptera) and are closely related. Fireflies belong to the family Lampyridae, while soldier beetles belong to cantharid.

Even though fireflies and soldier beetle share some similarities, such as their ability to produce light, there are some differences between the two groups.

Fireflies are well-known for their bioluminescence, which they use to attract mates and communicate with each other. Soldier beetles do not produce light.

Can soldier beetles sting?

Soldier beetles (family Cantharidae) are not known to sting or bite humans. They do not have stingers or other means of delivering venom or other harmful substances.

Soldier beetles are harmless insects that pose no significant threat to humans or animals.

What eats soldier beetle?

Some common predators of soldier beetles include birds, spiders, mantids, and other predatory insects.

Larvae of soldier beetles, which live on the ground and are less mobile than adults, are vulnerable to predation. Ground-dwelling predators such as ants, ground beetles, and spiders feed on soldier beetle larvae.

Final words

In summary, brightly coloured soldier beetles insects belonging to Cantharidae. Insects are beneficial to controlling other insects considered pests and not known to pose health risks. You can recognize soldier beetles by their skin colour, like an old British army coat. These tiny creatures are gifts of nature, do not harm them because now you know What is a soldier beetle?

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