Are Ladybugs Poisonous? Let’s Have A Look At This

Are you wondering if ladybugs are poisonous? Don’t worry you are not alone. Many people wonder whether this is true or a myth and what is to be done if it is true. Let’s explore the facts about this in detail.

So are ladybugs poisonous?

If you or a child is bitten by a ladybug you have nothing to worry about. These tiny little insects do a lot more than offer the vividness of nature and do a lot less than cause a poisonous sting for humans. Human beings are not affected by ladybugs in any way through their sting or touch. If anything, ladybugs are threatened by human beings. This is true because of the nature of our urban lives and an inclination towards killing insects and pests.

One key consideration is whether you are allergic to substances that are commonly found inside the ladybugs or around them. At times human beings have reported a rash, bite mark, or blister caused by an allergic reaction to the touch of a ladybug. There are other side effects as well that one needs to be wary of when noticing the presence or contact with a ladybug in your surroundings.

Having said that, these small little insects can be a bit dangerous for pets or other animals. But not in a very aggressive way. A ladybug will not attack an animal unless it is its prey. It will not bite another pet or animal for its defense even. However, it may pose a threat and a direct one if it is eaten or swallowed by another animal such as a cat or dog. This is because this tiny insect does pack a venomous liquid inside its body that can damage the intestines of your pet if eaten.

Are ladybugs poisonous to cats?

If you have a cat around the house you might need to worry about an army of ladybugs. This is because cats tend to have a poisonous reaction to ladybugs when consumed or eaten in huge quantities. If you are taking your cat with you on a trip to the garden or other places where there may be some ladybugs, be sure that there is not much proximity between your pet and these insects.

The color of the bugs may attract the cats and it may try to sniff or snuggle them as well. Although these insects are not a prey of choice for cats, you may find an idle cat looking for things to do and a ladybug kill can be an engaging activity for them.

However, the worst even in large quantities it can do to a cat is upsetting its stomach and causing blisters inside which resemble ulcers. This can be a torment for the cat and cause sickness for it for a long period of time if not treated properly and timely. 

Some ladybug types may contain viruses, germs, or diseases that can affect a cat’s immunity. This is especially true for house pets and wild bugs. The combination can cause major damage to your pet so you do want to be careful about what your pet is doing when out of the home.

Are ladybugs poisonous to spiders?

Contrary to public opinion, ladybugs are not poisonous to spiders. In reality, ladybugs do prey on smaller spiders, their eggs, and similar smaller insects. This is true because ladybugs eat other smaller insects on routine. When they see a target bigger than their own size they disappear as they could be eaten out themselves. While ladybugs like to defend themselves by excreting one of their limbs as a defense mechanism, they are still scared of bigger items. They will not attack a large spider unless the spider tries to attack first.

A smaller one can be preyed upon and has a risk of dying at the hands or feet of the ladybug. But, a larger one will not be touched unless it attacks. The natural defense of the ladybug is through its toxins that will cause a bird or a lizard even to die if it tries to eat it first.

Are ladybugs poisonous to dogs?

House dogs are used to dog food that is carefully crafted. Your pet may be at risk of eating a ladybug if it is able to find a large army of ladybugs to play with. Although dogs are not as inquisitive as cats it is possible that your dog will want to play with these bugs. The bug can be dangerous for the dog if it somehow ends up in its nose, ears, or stomach. Ladybugs can irritate your dogs if they get into their fur because they are ticklish creatures.

The damage will however be limited to the dog’s gastro tracks or its nasal cavities. It can cause slight breathing problems if ingested. Or stomach problems such as those common for cats. Wild or stray dogs may find other items that are much more amusing as compared to ladybugs. This is why they will rarely get involved with these. However, they have a similar chance of getting sick from the venom or toxins in the bugs.

Are black ladybugs poisonous?

Black ladybugs are called pine ladybugs. This species can be a bit more challenging as compared to the red ones. These are wild, rare, and stronger. The black bugs will contain more toxins and they are often present outdoors surrounded by other venomous insects. As a reaction to their surroundings, their toxins strengthen and allow them to fight any predators. If you try to touch a black pine ladybug it may cause an instant allergic reaction.

There may be a sting at the site of contact causing a more intense reaction as well. The feet of the bug is quite sharp and irritating to the skin as well. Which may cause hives or a similar rash on the skin. Topical and oral medication may be required to subside the reaction to these.

Are orange ladybugs poisonous?

Orange ladybugs are similar to red ones. These are easy to find in warm and moist seasons. If you find these bugs on a shrub or anywhere near your premises in any warmer season then it may be time to curtail their growth or breach as needed. This is because kids can develop allergies or be affected by their overgrowth.

However, eating them will not have an effect on the human body. The effect may be limited to minor food poisoning or a rash if any. Essentially the question becomes why would a human being want to eat or ingest it in the first place. You will need to be careful around kids or pets though. Both of these will not need a good reason to get involved with these insects.

And if these insects are coming inside the house or on your premises from other venom-carrying environments then they carry a risk of being toxic to the vulnerable. This is why you should be careful if you notice a sudden surge in these regular bugs.

Are yellow ladybugs poisonous?

The yellow ladybugs are the smallest and the weakest at the same time. These have had a lesser time in developing and thus carry the least amount of toxins. If you notice a surge in these in your environment it may be because it is breeding season for these bugs or an army of larger egg-carrying bugs was nearby. These bugs should still not touch you or a child because that can cause allergies in the shape of welts.

In some cases, if ingested the bug will excrete normally without any side effects. However, one important thing to notice is that they do have a pinching tendency when they puncture. If they sting you, you will feel a light pressure, itch, or a pinch. This will require proper anti-allergy medication topical or oral depending on the case.

Are red ladybugs poisonous?

Like orange ladybugs, the very common red ladybugs are poisonous to pets and can cause allergic reactions among babies. This is because they carry germs and infections that can be transmitted. However, they will not draw blood out of the affected person rather it will be a fight response from the bugs if venom is exerted in any way. Pets should not have access to these as their striking color will cause curiosity and can cause potential harm to their stomachs causing food and digestion problems.

Are ladybugs poisonous if eaten

Ladybugs are not designed to be eaten. They can not be used as food or fuel for humans because they contain no nutritional use. If you eat them it may cause an allergy, hives, welts, or even stomach upset qualities for you. The symptoms can be smaller or worse depending on your body type and genetic makeup. However, these little insects, ladybugs of all colors, shapes, and sizes can be poisonous if eaten by humans, pets, birds, and other animals in different ways. The least effect of these bugs can be found on human beings followed by babies, pets, and then smaller animals subsequently. The effect is limited to allergies for humans.

Do ladybugs carry STDs?

A red species of ladybug with only two black spots can carry STDs that are transmitted through these bugs to each other. Touching them can cause not much trouble to the human skin. It will not cause a spread of STDs from the infected human to other humans sexually. The reaction will remain allergic and not be classified as a sexually transmissible virus or disease.

What colors are ladybugs?

Ladybugs come in different shapes, colors and sizes. These include smaller yellow or green ladybugs. There are red and orange ladybugs as well; these are more vibrant and commonly found in gardens with flowers or favorable bushes. Black and brown ladybugs are common as well and they can be found in more wild regions and non-urbanized terrains. Lighter bugs usually carry lesser toxins and they are smaller in size as well.

Is it OK to have ladybugs in your house?

Ladybugs can eat other pests such as smaller spiders, mosquitoes, and other insects in their reach. Insects that lay eggs on walls or burrows can be attacked by ladybugs so yes it is ok and in fact helpful to have ladybugs in your house. You can however be more conservative and not allow these into your house if you have pets or children that are likely to engage with these bugs.

How long does a ladybug live?

A ladybug will live up to a year. Although these bugs breed only seasonally and appear only when it’s warm, a regular ladybug will be able to have a lifespan of one entire year on its own. From an egg to an entire bug the ladybug takes about 45 days. The life of the bug starts after this early birthing time. However, there are many chances that it dies before a year because of risks from other pests, predators, and urban influences.


You do not need to worry about a single one-off experience with a ladybug. This is because the chances of it affecting you or your family will be close to none. But, if you are noticing a lot of bugs and a great infestation then it may be time to check it out through an inspector. Proper vigilance is essential when it is closer to your kid’s playing areas or areas where your pets can reach. If you notice any allergic reactions it is essential to check it out by contacting a healthcare provider and discussing the issue with them. You should not attempt to kill these bugs on your own, a professional should be called to handle them properly and safely in a regulated professional environment to prevent environmental impact.