What is click beetle? | 11 Amazing Facts About Click Beetles

What is click Beetles?

Click beetles, commonly known as elaterids, are a group of over 9,000 species distributed globally. Its ability to produce a clicking sound distinguishes the beetle family when disturbed, created by the body parts rubbing against one another.

They range in size from 2 to 60 mm and come in various colours, including yellow, brown, black, green and red. These beetles inhabit multiple habitats, including dry woodlands, grasslands, and urban areas.

Click beetle classification

Click beetles, or Elateridae, distinguish themselves by their click-style sound, which results when a bee flexes its body and releases a spring-like structure.

This clicking sound is a defence mechanism to ward off potential predators. We can find click beetles worldwide in various sizes and colours.

We divide them into four subgroups based on their anatomy, behaviour, and habitat: Elaterinae, Agrypninae, Aplastinae, and Limonocerinae.

Each of these subgroups possesses distinct characteristics that enable them to be distinguished.

For instance, long antennae and legs characterize Elaterinae, Agrypninae has short antennae and legs, and Aplastinae has short antennae and no legs.

Where do click beetles live?

Click beetle is a US native bee characterized by its small size (about 10 millimetres long) and metallic blue colour.

It is a unique beetle that can produce a clicking sound because of a mechanism on its body. They make this sound when the click beetle is angry; however, if we handle it gently, it will not click.

Do click beetles fly?

Click beetles are a diverse insect group with over 2,000 known species. Their most common location is the eastern and mid-west of the United States. These beetles are small, typically less than 1/4 inch, and cannot fly.

They can be yellow, brown, or black and are identifiable by the hardened “club” at the end of the abdomen. We can find click beetles under rocks and logs, in leaf litter, and inside houses.

Click beetle diet

Click beetles, or eaters, are a species of insect present globally. Their jumping sound is renowned for the clicking sound they create when their bodies are securely positioned. But what do click beetles consume?

Click beetles are omnivorous, meaning their diet comprises plant and animal sources.

The larvae and adults of the species will consume plant materials, including leaves, flowers, stems, and roots.

Besides feeding on others, they are also known to eat other click beetles and caterpillars. Click beetles play an essential role in the ecosystem, as they are predators of other insects.

Click beetle defence

The click beetle can defend itself by clicking its horns together.

The click beetle can protect itself by clicking its horns together, creating a loud noise that is used to shock potential predators.

The click beetle can produce a loud clicking noise to ward off predators. I commonly found these insects in sandy soils, leaf litter, and underneath rocks. They create this sound when the beetle curls up and strikes its abdomen against its thorax.

Two changed hind femora that act as a spring generate this sound. When threatened, the click beetle also emits an unsavoury smell.

Where to find click beetle?

Click beetles (elaterids) are among the most widespread insects on the planet, inhabiting all continents except Antarctica, from arid regions to rainforests.

Their ability to click themselves into the air when disturbed or flipped into the wind can distinguish them. They employed this response to startling predators and escape danger.

On the forest floor

They commonly found the click beetle in the forest floor, leaf litter, and grasslands. They prefer to live in the woods, where they are common pests.

At their rear ends, they can click together to protect themselves.

Around 2,000 species of click beetle are found, mainly in the United States and parts of the world. A common way to get rid of them is through pesticides.

On the ground

The click beetles’ location can also show their favoured habitat. They usually find click beetles in warm, dry, and well-drained areas, so if you are searching for them, focus your efforts on these environments.

Click beetles are most active during daylight hours, so you should search for them near sunrise and sunset.

In the riverbed

Click beetles can be in river beds and in the water itself. We can find that most water is a significant part of the environment and land-dwellers. Click beetles inhabit many habitats across over 70 countries.

If you come across a click beetle, they can keep it as a pet as it is not dangerous and does not bite. We can find click beetles in river beds or in the river itself.

On the fallen leaves

To locate click beetles, look for them on fallen leaves, particularly those from beech, oak, and linden trees. Searching for them on a sunny day during the summer is best. We can find these beetles in forests, near the borders of forests, and in parks.

On the sandy soil

The Click Beetle lives mainly in the Transdanubia mountains, the Pannonian Basin, Grand Alföld, floodplains, and western parts of the country.


On the soil

The click beetle is abundant in gardens, fields, and forests. Usually found on grasses, it is nocturnal and can be active both at night and daytime.

One should know their swiftness and difficulty in catching to locate click beetles. They commonly live in the soil but favour grassy areas.

After sunset, a flashlight can point to its exact position. To observe them, we can catch them in a glass or jar. We can take a photo for future remembrance.

Click beetles are different species, but some are similar, so it is essential to identify them accurately to protect themselves.

Click beetles are beneficial to the environment as they eat dead animals and recycle them.

Under the loose bark of the tree

The click beetle is a commonly seen insect found in residences, gardens, and parks. They typically found bugs beneath dead or decaying trees, under stones or logs in the garden, or on the ground.

These insects can range in colour from black, brown, or white. Click beetles are harmless insects that do not bite or sting and can be removed with a cup and a piece of paper.,

Can I keep a click beetle as a pet?

Yes, quite a few people have taken care of a click beetle as their pet. As long as you provide your cage and food, you can live your happiness with a click beetle.

Your click beetle will also help to keep critters away and protect your garden. If you are serious about finding a click beetle, you can consult some professionals. They will help you find a click beetle that will fit into the area you have.

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