What is sap beetles? | Myths and facts with a complete guide

These tiny creatures are fascinating creatures who feed on minor injuries in plants or animal hosts. We know them to infest strawberry plants but have a wide range of dietary preferences. They often group through sap beetles as one type. They act as two separate taxonomic families. By reading more, you will know about what is sap beetle.

What is sap beetles

Sap beetles are a type of insect that belongs to the family Nitidulidae. They are small, typically less than 6 mm long, and are often dark-coloured.

In or near sweet or fermented fruits, sap flow, or fermenting materials, we know pests occur in gardens and orchards.

They can also find some species in stored grain and other products. They can cause damage by feeding on fruits and vegetables and contaminating them with their frass (insect droppings) and fungal spores.


  • They commonly found sap beetles in or near sweet or fermented substances, such as ripe fruits, sap flows, and fermented materials.
  • We can also find them in stored grain and other stored products.
  • They can also find many in forests and other natural areas where their preferred food sources are found.


  • Small, typically less than 6 mm
  • Often dark coloured
  • They have short, rounded bodies and short antennae.
  • They are active at night.


  • Some common species of sap beetles include the picnic beetle (Glischrochilus quadrisignatus), the black sap beetle (Carpophilus lugubris), and the three-lined potato beetle (Lilioceris tripartita).
  • Each species has its characteristics, habits, and preferred food sources.
  • Some species can feed on various fruits and vegetables, while others are more specialized and only eat certain plants.

Where do sap beetle live?

Sap beetles are a group of beetle. They live in trees, and some like to eat fresh sap that runs downwards from the branches, giving them their name.

Sap beetles are most often found in deciduous trees. Sap beetles prefer to eat the early and mid-season sap as it’s nutritious and contains mineral salts, carbohydrates, and proteins.

Four-spotted sap beetle?

The four-spotted sap beetle (Glischrochilus quadrisignatus) is a sap beetle found in many parts of the world, including North America, Europe, and Asia.

It is a tiny insect, typically around 4-5 mm in length and is usually dark-coloured. It has four yellow spots on its elytra (wing covers), which gives it its common name.

It feeds on various fruits and vegetables, including strawberries, raspberries, blackberries, blueberries, peaches, plums, cherries, apples, pears, tomatoes, and corn. It also feeds on fermented materials, such as beer, wine, and vinegar.

A pest in gardens and orchards, feeding on fruits and vegetables and caminating them with its frass and fungal spores, causes damage.

It is active at night, and they fly well. They are attracted to the light and are often seen flying around outdoor lights at night. They often congregate in large numbers on ripe or overripe fruits.

It also attracted them to fermented materials and can be a problem in breweries, wineries, and other facilities that produce fermented products.

Can sap beetles fly

Most species of sap beetles can fly. They have functional wings and can fly short distances to find food sources or mates. Some species are more active fliers than others. Still, they are generally considered weak fliers and often move around by crawling.

Several species of sap beetle fly well, and it attracts them to light and often gather on ripe or overripe fruits.

How long do sap beetles live?

The Indian sap beetle lays its eggs in the stems and undersides of their host trees. Eggs will hatch in one to three years, and young adults feast on the late summer and early autumn sap, respectively.

Beetles eat the sap of the trees, which is high in tannins and other chemicals, and form their bodies with white fluid.

How well do sap beetles survive the winter?

Some species live underground and survive the long winter on a fat reserve, which permits the insects to persevere through the winter months. These animals live on the wood surface and camouflage their bodies with liquid from the surface of living fruit trees.

What are sap beetles attracted to?

Sap beetles look for white and red flowers and flowering trees and shrubs. To ferment their sap, they attract sap beetles to rotting fruit. However, they can eat fruit, vegetable, and cereals.

These can weaken the plant, leading to decreases in the plant’s vigour and fruit quality. Acid rains and organic matter decomposing below the ground are also indicators they are present.

Are sap beetles poisonous?

Sap beetles are creatures that cause sap to exude from trees and plants. Sap helps the trees produce nutrients when sap levels are low, or leaves are absent during the winter.

We have also known them to digest the sap from hardwood such as pine wood. They don’t appear to be harmful to healthy trees or plants.

What is the best way to handle sap beetles?

Clean your home thoroughly, remove any plant with unexplained holes, and remove any dogbane that has dropped sap from there.

The best way to remove the beetle is to vacuum it up or drown it underwater. The goal should be to remove the beetles before they lay any eggs. If the infestation has taken hold, extermination should occur instead of prevention.

Are sap beetles harmful?

The four-spotted sap beetle, also known as the sap beetle, lives and reproduces in glass and ceramics.

As an anti-virus, they attracted it too sweet substances such as sugar, honey, and syrups. It can damage computers if data is lost.

The Beetles can survive the winter but, like many other bugs, is likely to die as temperatures drop. However, the sap beetles mate in the fall, and females will lay eggs in the spring.

The eggs, or castings, are round and take about a week to hatch. Once hatched, the larvae will chew through wood, plastic, and other materials until their bodies have grown large enough to be seen.

This beetle chews through wood and plastic fast, making it a nuisance for Wisconsin homeowners.

Do sap beetles bite.

A beetle infestation can multiply and cause severe damage, so it is essential to understand how to handle and control them. The few things to do are understand what sap beetles are and where they come from.

Final Words

Sap beetles are a type of insect that belongs to the Nitidulidae family. They are small, typically less than 6mm long, and are often dark-coloured. Fruits, sap flows, and commonly found fermented materials near them, and we know pests occur in gardens and orchards.

They can also find these tiny black beetles in stored grain and other products. They can cause damage by feeding on fruits and vegetables and contaminating them with their frass (insect droppings) and fungal spores.

Try to handle these tiny little beetles gently, and do not poison them. You now know what is sap beetles.

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