Where Do Flies Come From? Find Out!

Multiple fly variants exist worldwide, and among them, around 120,000 species of flies come from North America. Among insects, Flies have become more prevalent among all worldwide. They are capable of mass reproduction, rapid transmission of infection, and the transmission of serious illnesses, including tuberculosis.

It’s the nature of Flies that they prefer dark and warn corner places for laying their eggs, possibly some indoor sites. Flies can lay eggs in weak spots ad confined areas where they find the temperature favorable, and most of the time, outside houses, near trash, and unhygienic places become their favorite spots. Once damaged, even silicone caulk can attract flies and make them able to lay eggs.

Worldwide multiple fly variants exist, but for a standard fly, the reproduction ranges between laying 75 to 150 eggs at a time. Flies frequently lay eggs in large numbers. The collective size of the eggs resembles and is equal to pea Sze. Within such small clusters, multiple flies evolve once they get to hatch.

Different Flies, Different Origins:

House Fly

The fly that has the most significant chance to grow indoors is the house fly. They are common in the United States and can be found all over the globe because of suitable environments and trash availability. Trash makes an ideal home for flies to lay eggs.

House flies appear grayish with 04 black strips, primarily visible on the thorax part. A house fly’s adult length is between 1/8″ and 1/4″. They have wings, slightly furry bodies, and simple red eyes with thousands of tiny lenses that give them a larger field of view. Both teeth and a stinger are absent from house flies.

The housefly will lay eggs that are as little as a grain of rice. The eggs develop into larvae, usually referred to as maggots, that are between 14 and 3/8″ long when they hatch. Larvae have a greasy look and a cream tint. Maggots gain dark, hard outer shells, legs, and wings as they transition into the larval case, gradually emerging as fully developed adult flies.

Fruit Fly

Fruit flies are common in the United States and are renowned for their quick reproduction rates. Year-round, they are found indoors, and, based on the environment, they can live for 25 to 30 days.

 Fruit flies vary in size, but you will find them 3 to 4 mm long. Even though fruit flies typically have red eyes, some have darker eyes. Their abdomen is black and gray, while their thorax is tan. Fruit flies are tiny, oval-shaped insects with six legs. They also have antennas.

Horse Fly

These flies get recognized as being a problem for horses and other mammals, probably where they got their common name. As breeding grounds and locations where mammal hosts are most prevalent, they get frequently found in suburban and rural regions close to water.

Horse flies’ range in size from 10 to 30 mm and has gray or blackish bodies with wings lacking black spots. Despite these variants, some horse flies would have dark black wings making them variate among others. They have wide eyes that are usually striped horizontally in green or purple. Horse flies are robust in build, have six legs, and lack bristles. Additionally, they all have little antennae.

Where Do Flies Come from On a Dead Body?

Every living creature experiences natural processes that start immediately after death. So, naturally, the body’s natural enzymes begin creating a lot of gasses during the second stage of human decomposition, known as bloat, which can cause the human body to double in size.

Furthermore, there may be insect activity, especially in warmer climates. Within minutes, flies, maggots, and other creatures swarm to the decaying tissue and start laying eggs. It could sometimes lead to a fly or maggot infestation in the home. It occurs more frequently in an unattended death, where the body disappears after a significant amount of time has passed and the decomposition process has begun.

Egg laying

When someone passes away, flies swarm around the body and start to eat it. A single fly can deposit up to 300 eggs on or in the corpse during this process.


The very next day, the eggs hatch and become larvae or maggots.


The larvae consume bodily fluids over a few days before going into the body or even just tiny cracks in the house to lay their eggs.

Hatching (again)

The larvae lay eggs for two weeks before hatching into flies, which repopulate their surrounding environment.

To ensure levels of disinfection equivalent to those found in hospitals, check it, but note that it’s always possible that larvae from a decaying body will be able to slip into hidden cracks and crevices inside an interior setting.

From Where Flies Come into the House?

Open windows and doors, faulty screens, and structural fractures are common entry points for flies into houses. Drain flies frequently enter homes through holes near pipes. Fruit flies are one species that lay their eggs in vegetables, and other fungus mosquitoes lay their eggs on the moist soil of houseplants.

How To Prevent flies from Entering the House?

Keeping a clean atmosphere helps lower your chances of having an insect problem because the smell of rotting attracts flies. Regular bathroom and kitchen cleaning, with prompt disposal and overripe fruit disposal, reduces food availability for bugs. Furthermore, as a reliable remedy, you can use methods/life hacks such as a mixture of soap, cleaning detergent, or vinegar. Alternatively, you can also use the fogger method or other natural remedies.


To keep flies out of the home, maintain proper sanitation, and clean all dirty stuff, including taking out the trash daily and preventing the waste from being retained outside for many days. Keep all counter surfaces spotless, ensure all windows and screens get appropriately screened, and adequately discard any food that has gone bad.

Dog waste also attracts flies, so it’s necessary to dispose of the litter and not let it remain outside for longer. If a fly infestation is detected, it’s essential to get in touch with a qualified pest control expert who can examine and check out any possible fly egg deposits. The pest control specialist will create a house fly treatment protocol based on the circumstances of the infestation after the nesting source gets removed.

Acid and dish soap:

Pour a few teaspoons of synthetic vinegar with dish soap into a glass. Mix these well and place them on your countertop. Although the soap will trap the flies in the mirror, it will slowly push them to sink to the bottom due to the materials’ density.

Natural remedies

You can catch flies by luring them into traps with foods and beverages that they are drawn to. For example, you can attract flies with wine, fruit bits, syrup, or honey.


Natural remedies can sometimes be beneficial, but if the infestation is severe enough, it can take too long to work. Insecticides remain effective immediately, but you must cover the entire area to avoid repeating the procedure when the next generation of flies hatches.


Remember that most sprays and foggers for insect pests and diseases are for outdoor use. Getting one appropriate for kids is essential if you go with this method. Only the most severe infestations or those that begin in challenging places in the house should be treated with bug bombs and similar products. You need to be careful about inhaling such a spray because it can also be dangerous for the human lungs and the body. Ensure safety while using sprays because sensitive individuals are at high risk of developing allergies to chemicals found in the mists. The severity of the illness may vary, and the allergy may last for a couple of days.


Before opting for pesticides, read and follow all warning labels with proper handling methods for pesticides. Keep your kids, family, livestock, or pets, if any, from reaching out to these harmful chemicals. Empty containers should be disposed of soon away in a safe place. Do not pollute ponds, streams, or forage.

Do Flies Come from Maggots?

Maggots are the eggs of flies, particularly the bluebottle and regular housefly. These flies get attracted to food and trash items that play the role of media for laying eggs. Once the eggs are laid, they eventually evolve as maggots. Maggots will not be a problem as long as flies don’t have access to your trash.

Do House Flies Come from Maggots?

If flies sit near household trash, they might breed eggs that hatch as maggots. The frequency of trash pickups is therefore crucial. Individuals are in control of their own garbage and the cleanliness of their house, including the bins. Because if they don’t do that, house flies will come from maggots.

How To Encounter Maggots? Pre And Post Care!

Trying to ensure that flies can’t access your waste is the first step! In fact, dustbins are generally more effective at maintaining flies out than black trash bags.

Bug sprays can be helpful in controlling flies, but the owner must buy them. Next, reduce the quantity of food that is wasted.

Warm weather act as a favorable temperature for maggots’ eggs to develop as fast as within the same day. That is why avoid extra trash to remain outside during the summers. Never leave food uncovered inside the house, including your pet cat or dog’s food. Before you throw away non-recyclable food packaging, such as plastic meal trays, rinse it to reduce odors. Bags should be inflated before being secured tightly. That means you need to ensure no air is trapped in the bag. You can always make sure to double-wrap any food leftovers, pet waste, and even baby diapers.

Avoid putting the trash can in direct sun. And ensure that the trash can lid is closed tightly.

To help control flies, hang insecticide strips inside your trash can. Try using citronella, an herbal medicine typically found in gardens. Because flies hate this scent, this will work as a repellent for them. Dirty recycling stuff seems to be another reason for flies’ attraction, so prevent the cause by covering all food cans and jars.

How To Avoid Maggots from Getting in Your Bins?

In order to stop maggots from getting into your bins, try using fly-repellent sprays. Besides that, use boiling water with a small pinch of bleach to avoid larvae. When the dumpster is emptied, most of the maggots will disappear. After being opened, the bin can be thoroughly cleaned inside with bleach or disinfectant and lots of water. Look for a reputable bin cleaning firm in the local phone books or complimentary newspapers if you want to avoid washing out your trash cans.

How long does a fly live?

The lifespan of adult houseflies is 15 to 25 days. Flies love the warmth of windows. They aren’t attempting to enter a building. Once inside, they flit around, looking for any food sources. The best circumstances for flies to mature are provided by warm weather; hence they favor warm climates over chilly ones. They die sooner in cold weather.

What do flies do in a day?

Daytime hours become a busy time for a common housefly.

Flies settle on surfaces, ceilings, doors, and walls. They eat plants, mold, and food leftovers.


By reading this article, you now know precisely where flies come from and what to do to prevent flies from entering your home. Note that just by taking small measures like covering your food or closing your bin covers tightly, you can prevent flies from entering your home. It also tells you how easily taking things like open windows or broken silicon seals can lead to flies taking over. Don’t worry about flies ruining yours indoors. Just clean up to manage waste properly and prevent its growth.

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How long do flies live?